What is Triptych?

The Elevation of the Cross by baroque artist Peter Paul Rubens, created in 1610 as a triptych.
The Elevation of the Cross (1610) 
by Peter Paul Rubens

Pronunciation of Triptych

Many people get confused about the pronunciation of the word ‘triptych’. The reason is simply that root of the word has greek origin. Triptychos (Τριπτυχος) comes to mean of ‘three layered painting’ in english and it is spelled like ‘trip-tick’. Triptychs generally contain three dividual paintings arranged in a row.

Purpose of Using

Mérode Altarpiece (1428) by Robert Campin, who is a first great master of Flemish and Early Netherlandish painting.
Mérode Altarpiece (1428) 
by Robert Campin
The parts of a triptych are usually relevant to each other in terms of form and content. Artists typically used this design to depict the story of their artworks in a sequence of three parts which were input, development and result just like an author. Another reason for some artists to choose triptychs is that multiple perspectives and varying techniques are easier to imply when compared to single frame portraits. Then, it can be said that, for the artists who wish to show their talents in a wide range, triptychs are ideal choices.

The Garden of Earthly Delights, created between 1503-1515 by Hieronymus Bosh who was a Netherlandish painter from Brabant.
The Garden of Earthly Delights 
(1503-1515) by Hieronymus Bosh
For the most part of triptychs, middle painting is considerably larger than other two placed in hinged arms which are able to fold to cover themselves and the middle one. There is no doubt that many of remaining triptychs availed themselves of this brilliant design to come through the corrosion and reached today. Besides Rubens’s ‘Elevation of the Cross’, two other precious examples; Robert Campin’s ‘Mérode Altarpiece’ and Hieronymus Bosh’s ‘Garden of Earthly Delights’ are displayed below.

What is Triptych? What is Triptych? Reviewed by Articonog on December 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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